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International Cell Phone Calling: To Make International Calls From A Mobile Phone - Cheap And Maybe Even Free

Written By DDM on Thursday, September 29, 2011 | 10:04 PM

Have you ever checked the cost of international telephone calls? If you are one of a growing number of people who use mobile phones as a substitute for the fixed service, so they ended up here after receiving the first international call bill. It 'very expensive.

For example, all plans low cost of major US cellular service providers to give you hundreds of "anytime" minutes, but they only cover calls to the United States. They allow Mobile International calls simply by dialing 011, the same as regular landline, but you will be shocked when you get the bill for a first: the prices can be anywhere from 50 cents / minute to call Canada more than $ 3 / minute to call India. Av.

If it is true that most mobile phones providers offer plans to make mobile international calls cheaper, which usually pay a monthly supplement to do so. Cheapest way to make international mobile calls a "dial-around" your cell phone provider. To do this you need to find International Carrier, which offers good prices in the country you want to achieve. When you sign up with them that will give you access to a local number to call, then dial the international number. What cell phone company for all they did was a local number.

Take to call India as an example to see how much cheaper it can be played-around:

Wow. Only 3 cents / minute, you could speak more than 2 hours $ 4 - $ 5 It would have to pay every month just to get a discounted rate from the mobile phone companies. So you want to pay an extra $ 4 - $ 5 just to get a discounted rate, which is still 10 times more than what can be achieved simply by calling the people around them? It seems an easy solution.

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